The family reunification parole (FRP) processes are available by invitation only to certain petitioners who filed an approved Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, on behalf of a principal beneficiary who is a national of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, and their immediate family members. These processes allow an eligible beneficiary to be considered for parole into the United States only on a case-by-case basis while they wait for their family-based immigrant visa to become available. Emails start going out JULY 31, 2023. They won’t all go out at once and not everyone will get one. For more info you can visit NOTE: You must receive an invitation to submit Form I-134A on behalf of a family member under the FRP processes for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. If you submit Form I-134A without receiving an invitation, we will not confirm your Form I-134A. Invitations to participate in these processes are sent by email or mail to certain petitioners whose Form I-130 is already approved. Petitioners who receive invitations can file Form I-134A, Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support, for principal and derivative beneficiaries of the Form I-130. A separate Form I-134A must be submitted for each beneficiary. If USCIS confirms the sufficiency of a petitioner’s Form I-134A, DHS will complete security vetting on each beneficiary and will consider each beneficiary for advance travel authorization on a case-by-case basis. If advance travel authorization is issued to the beneficiary, they will be able to come to an internal U.S. port of entry to seek a discretionary grant of parole. If granted parole, they may wait in the United States for their immigrant visa to become available and then apply to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident, if they are eligible. Individuals who are paroled into the United States under these processes may request employment authorization upon arrival in the United States. Family Reunification Parole FAQ’s