Court Denies Motion to Vacate & Extends Stay of New Parole in Place Program

Judge says Hold On

On September 4, 2024, a Federal Court denied the Federal Government’s motion to vacate and extended the stay that was previously put in place to prevent the Department of Homeland Security from granting applications for the new Keeping Families Together (parole-in-place for certain spouses of US citizens). The court extended itstemporary stay and restraining order for an additional 14-day period, such that it expires at the end of September 23, 2024, though it may be extended again. DHS can and will continue to receive applications for the new program but are barred from granting anyone parole under the order. Another hearing was scheduled for September 18, 2024, and deadlines for motions were set for the week prior. The Court said it was moving the case along on an accelerated timeline. The order states, “The rigor of defendants’ recent 60-page filing, however, does convince the court that a hearing on the facts and the law can be scheduled on an even more accelerated schedule than previously anticipated, which the court sets below.” If you are interested in reading the entire order from the Court you can find it below.